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Creative Curriculum


Curriculum at Nisse includes the child-initiated and teacher-directed activities and experiences offered to young children that support and enrich their development physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively. Nisse uses the Creative Curriculum for Preschool as guides for planning the curriculum in each of its program rooms. Each class has weekly lesson plans, posted in the classroom. These plans contain a number of activities, designed to foster each child’s development, and the development of the group as a whole. Lesson plans may be changed in order to accommodate the children’s changing interests.


Each classroom is set-up in centers, which include blocks, dramatic play, books, gross motor, fine motor, and art. Outdoor play is important to a child’s physical development and must be included in both the morning and afternoon schedule. Self-selection or “free-play” is a daily part of the curriculum and means a child has the opportunity to choose which center or activity he/she participates in. This promotes creative expression and development of important social skills.

Learning concepts such as numbers, letters, colors and shapes are introduced through learning games, puzzles, circle time, etc.  Reading readiness skills are developed by encouraging listening, following directions, sequencing, etc.  We do not rely on worksheets for instruction in our learning environment.


Art activities are a natural form of expression.  The children are provided with a variety of art mediums, allowing them to use their imagination and to create.  The process of creating, not the “end product”, provides the child with the learning experience.  Often children must “warm-up” to getting their hands into paint, glue, etc.  All children will be encouraged to participate in the art activities; however, the child will be allowed to decide if he or she wants to participate.

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